關於HP的墨水匣有問題901 60 61系列(第1頁) - 噴墨印表機- Mobile01 2未斷電關機取出墨水匣填充 3晶片燒毀 4墨水量異常增加 小弟我爬了各大GOOGLE也參見過這篇 以【A墨盒】(HP60彩色) 跟【B墨盒】(HP60彩色) 做 ...
ASUS EeePC S101 換SSD (第1頁) - SSD固態硬碟- Mobile01 我的EeePC S101 不知道是不是SSD老化效能嚴重lag....開個office 都可以等上快1 分多鐘想要換換看Lite-On S200 128GB 但不知有沒有支援還請 ...
有部Asus S101 16GB SSD 想換32GB SSD - Eeepc 專區- NetBook 族群- 電 ... 電腦領域HKEPC Hardware 有部Asus S101 16GB SSD ,用Win7旗艦版。速度OK 但冇咩安裝軟件長期只剩下3GB。想換32GB SSD。但看完網上 ...
Super Talent 64GB SSD upgrade for Asus S101 Eee Netbook 28 Jan 2009 ... ... Super Talent is now offering a 64GB Solid State Drive (SSD) specially designed as an upgrade for the Asus S101 Eee netbook PC. Th...
Disassemble Asus S101 netbook computer to upgrade SSD ... Two things can be upgraded on the Asus S101 notebook computer: the RAM and SSD hard drive. It ...
有部Asus S101 16GB SSD 想換32GB SSD - Eeepc 專區- NetBook 族群- 電 ... 電腦領域HKEPC Hardware 有部Asus S101 16GB SSD ,用Win7旗艦版。速度OK但冇咩安裝軟件長期只剩下3GB。想換32GB SSD。但看完網上 ...
Asus Eee PC S101: Thinner, harder to upgrade - Liliputing 2008年10月27日 - The Asus Eee PC S101 may be super thin compared to earlier Eee PC ... or a faster or higher capacity SSD, it looks like you'll have to pry off ...
asus-eee-pc-s101-difficult-to-upgrade - LAPTOP Magazine 2008年10月24日 - ASUS Eee PC S101 Difficult, if Not Impossible, to Upgrade ... We have a new Eee PC SSD upgrade chip from SuperTalent. However, there is ...
More SSD choices for Asus S101 EeePC - CNET 2009年1月28日 - Super Talent Technology releases solid-state drive upgrade for Asus s101 Eee PC with capacities up to 64GB.
asus-eee-pc-s101-difficult-to-upgrade - LAPTOP Magazine 2008年10月24日 - After reviewing the ASUS Eee PC S101 we attempted to take a look under its hood. However ... We have a new Eee PC SSD upgrade chip from SuperTalent. However ...